
Liquid chlorophyll benefits
Liquid chlorophyll benefits

liquid chlorophyll benefits

Shabir says that in the early 1900s, chlorophyll was considered important in the alleviation of myriad health problems, including ulcers, pain relief, skin disorders and even as a breath freshener. It can help relieve bad breath, body and perspiration odour.” Have there been any studies to prove it works? IT CAN ELIMINATE ODOURS: “Instead of masking odours like a deodorant, chlorophyll works from the inside out to get rid of odour-causing toxins. Chlorophyll is an alkaline substance and works to balance levels in the body for better health.” Unfortunately, the modern diet often creates an acidic environment, which can make bacteria thrive. IT’LL MAKE YOUR BODY LESS ACIDIC: “The body is designed to work at an optimum pH of 7.35, which on the pH scale is slightly alkaline. It can also reduce the bad bacteria in your gut.” IT CAN HELP WITH IBS: “Chlorophyll is an excellent colon conditioner, which can help with inflammatory bowel disorders such as IBS, colitis and diverticulitis. The heart rate is slowed but contraction strength is increased, improving the heart’s efficiency.”

liquid chlorophyll benefits

Specifically for the heart, it helps in the transmission of nerve impulses that control contraction. IT COULD IMPROVE HEART HEALTH: “Chlorophyll appears to increase circulation to all organs of the body by dilating blood vessels. It also appears to stimulate the regeneration of damaged liver cells and appears to be much more potent than herbs such as milk thistle.”

liquid chlorophyll benefits liquid chlorophyll benefits

IT HELPS ELIMINATE TOXINS: “Chlorophyll works during digestion to both detoxify the body of toxins ingested through foods as well as to detoxify the body of existing stored toxins. Here, Shabir shares some additional health benefits of the super green supplement: Hence the proliferation of liquid chlorophyll supplements, which can easily be added to water.Īside from boosting energy, what are the other benefits?īecause of chlorophyll’s blood health-improving powers, it’s believed it can also cleanse and detox the body at a cellular level. “Without sufficient oxygen, our bodies can become sluggish, energy production is greatly diminished, and metabolism drops.” Shabir explains that most chlorophyll supplements contain a derivative called chlorophyllin, which is water-soluble and better absorbed by the body. “There’s a reason you’re told to eat your greens, because as a general rule, the greener the plant, the richer it is in oxygen-carrying chlorophyll,” he adds. “At a molecular level, chlorophyll is almost identical to haemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in our blood, meaning chlorophyll can help oxygenate and bring energy into the body,” explains Shabir Daya, MRPharmS and co-founder of Victoria Health. However, unless you’re eating huge amounts of raw greens at every meal, it’s unlikely you’ll absorb the same quantity as you could via a supplement. For example, if you eat one cup of spinach, you’re getting around 24mg of chlorophyll, which is equivalent to around half a teaspoon of the liquid variety. Any time you eat a green vegetable, you’re getting a dose of chlorophyll without knowing – particularly rich sources include spinach, parsley and watercress. It absorbs energy from light in the process of photosynthesis, and it’s this energy that enables plants to grow and flourish. Let us refresh your memory: chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants and algae.

Liquid chlorophyll benefits